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Gina Fumagalli

Gina Fumagalli

As Head of Insight Services at Yomdel, Gina heads up our highly skilled and energetic insight team, driving robust commercial growth by helping clients deliver exceptional customer experiences through bespoke mystery shopping programmes and other CX market research techniques. Gina has delivered highly successful research projects across multiple industries and sectors including property, retail and leisure/hospitality. Her particular skill is in complex customer journeys where clients need to measure their customer experience across multiple touchpoints and channels to ensure consistent service and brand messaging, whichever communication method(s) a customer selects. You can email Gina at gina.fumagalli@yomdel.com

Recent posts by Gina Fumagalli

5 min read


By Gina Fumagalli on 04/09/20 10:00

5 Things to Consider When Buying Primary Market Research

Market research is a very broad church, with as many definitions as there are cat hairs on my kitchen floor just now. However, a good general description for me is - market research helps answer questions about your business and/or its customers so you can make more informed decisions and reduce risk.

Topics: Research Customer Insights business change
3 min read


By Gina Fumagalli on 21/08/20 11:31

Customer Journey Mapping – What is it and why do it?

I am frequently asked to explain what Customer Journey Mapping is and what its purpose is. Always happy to help, here it is.

Topics: sales conversion customer experience customer journeys
3 min read


By Gina Fumagalli on 17/07/20 10:23

Customer Service in Times of Crisis

Topics: customer experience Mystery Shopping Travel Industry
3 min read

How to win if you're selling financial services or mortgages

By Gina Fumagalli on 10/07/20 10:02

Trust is a Must in Financial Services CX

Topics: customer experience Mystery Shopping Financial Services
2 min read

You can't improve if you don't measure!

By Gina Fumagalli on 12/06/20 10:50

Implementing new ways of working quickly, can leave a business blind to its current performance. Getting measurement in place early fuels constant improvement and competitive advantage.

Topics: customer experience Mystery Shopping Coronavirus
4 min read

Ready, steady, go - time to reconnect!

By Gina Fumagalli on 15/05/20 09:30

Right now is the time to re-connect

As we wait for additional clarifications and detail on exactly when and how our shops and services can re-open for business, now is the time to reflect on how you are going to re-connect with your customers.

What does Customer Experience look like now, and how will that evolve over the next few months?

Topics: Research Coronavirus Industry trends
3 min read

Can you make sense of all the future-gazing?

By Gina Fumagalli on 02/05/20 08:45

Looking ahead is scary but research can help

There are a lot of research tracker studies going on at the moment, for sentiment analysis and consumer behaviour, looking at how we are reacting to the lockdown and other changes wrought by the coronavirus crisis.

But where are they all taking us? And what role can research play in finding the path ahead as we continue to navigate our way through the coronavirus crisis?

Topics: Research Coronavirus Industry trends
4 min read

5 GOOD THINGS to come from Coronavirus!

By Gina Fumagalli on 27/03/20 09:00

I know, there are a lot of bad things happening right now, thanks to the unrelenting progress of the Corona virus.

However, believe it or not, there are some positives we can reflect on. Here are five that sprang to mind this morning as I looked out over my sunny garden.

Topics: Coronavirus
4 min read

The Highs and Lows of Estate Agency CX

By Gina Fumagalli on 03/01/20 11:50

How good is the Customer Experience in your Estate Agency?

“We’re a small team. I know all my staff do a good job”

Topics: Estate Agents CX Mystery Shopping