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Anti-slavery Policy






Yomdel Ltd is a business providing managed live chat, mystery shopping, market research and other customer experience services from our headquarters in the UK, and also from our contact centres located offshore.


Our Position on Slavery & Human Trafficking

Yomdel Ltd is an ethical employer that welcomes diversity. We are committed to ensuring Slavery and Human Trafficking does not occur and take pride in ensuring our working practices, both in the UK and abroad, fully comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.


Due Diligence

We have examined our business and various supply chains and believe there is negligible risk of slavery and human trafficking within or related to our operations. We pledge to continually monitor this risk and would never knowingly engage with other businesses or individuals involved in Slavery and Human Trafficking. This policy is published on our website and staff are reminded of the importance of ensuring we only deal with trusted partners and suppliers.



Our recruitment policies are compliant with The Modern Slavery Act 2015 and all other relevant employment legislation. We ensure prospective employees have the right to work in the UK and our approach means Slavery and Human Trafficking do not occur within the company.



If an employee has any concerns about adherence to company policies, including this Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy, they must contact one of the company directors.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Yomdel for more information by using the form on this page.



Feel free to get in touch, right here.