The Best Customer Experience Blog | Yomdel

How important is tech to improve customer experience now? | Blog

Written by Tim Breden | 02/11/21 09:44

Keeping your customers happy has always been priority number one, of course. But how they interact with you may have changed drastically over the past two years. After all, the pandemic brought unparalleled disruption to all our daily lives and, for some sectors, brought operations to a complete grinding halt. 

As many organisations were suddenly unable to speak to customers face to face, new technologies had to be adopted quickly so they could meet their customers where they were. 

We all know how online meetings software such as Zoom and Teams transformed the way we communicate but other tech entered common use for many businesses too.  

Additionally, innovations in technology specific to certain industries such as table ordering apps for hospitality businesses and kerbside drop-offs for eCommerce look like they may be here to stay as customers feel the benefits.  

Now, as we (hopefully) move out of the era of full lockdowns, businesses are choosing to keep the technological implementations which came about as a result of the pandemic.  

Meeting customers where they are  

One of the biggest learnings for many companies was that it’s vital to be able to “meet customers wherever they are”. When consumers are left without face-to-face channels, they inevitably move to online ones to get in touch with businesses to source the information they need.  

What’s more, when consumers contact organisations has changed too. Workdays shifted even further away from the nine-to-five model with consumers relying more on out-of-hours services like live chat to get the answers they want, when they need them.  

Customer service is no longer constrained to your own channels, either. Consumers are using multiple touchpoints such as social media platforms, live chat and even WhatsApp to get in touch with the businesses they buy from. 

While this leads to a better experience for customers, it’s yet more platforms for businesses to keep a close eye on.  

Realtime interaction 

During the pandemic, with things moving so quickly, consumers found it harder to rely on the information a business provides. Website content, Google My Business and other sources were suddenly harder to trust. 

Things such as opening hours on Google listings were often incorrect. For those visiting hotels or hospitality venues, website copy may not clearly explain the new procedures and which facilities were still available. People, therefore, demanded quick answers from human beings instead.  

Here at Yomdel, we can help your business navigate the customer experience in the ‘new normal’. From customer journey mapping to implementing fully managed live chat or social media messaging, we offer complete solutions designed to ensure that you attract and retain customers. 

If you haven't yet looked into a 24/7 managed live chat service, or you'd just like to know more about the options available to you, don’t hesitate to get in touch, we would be happy to chat.