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Testimonial: Scottish Shutters says Yomdel helps generate revenue

Written by Andy Soloman | 23/10/15 12:21

At Yomdel, we take huge pride in our managed live chat services and nothing makes us happier than when  a client thanks us and says they generate revenue as a direct result of our Yomdel Live Lead service. Judith D'Ambrosio of The Scottish Shutter Company has just sent us this video to describe the experience of working with Yomdel and, importantly, to let us know that we have helped her generate thousands of pounds of new business.

"We have been really impressed with the way each chat has been handled and from our first 26 leads we can attribute over £7,000 worth of business to clients who’s first interaction with us was via our Yomdel live chat service," says Judith.

"Being able to service our clients around the clock with real human interaction is just another way we have set ourselves apart from the rest. Great job team Yomdel! "

Of course, apart from Yomdel, Judith has been lent a helping hand by D'Arcy Dog. See if you can spot the dog in the video below!


Thanks Judith, for your kind comments, and if anyone else would like to find out how Yomdel can help them, please just get in touch today.