The Best Customer Experience Blog | Yomdel

Open all hours - 24/7 property management need not be stressful

Written by Andy Soloman | 26/04/15 18:52

This is a guest post from our friends at Fixflo. At Yomdel, we know the importance of helping businesses engage with their customers 24/7, and so do our partners at Fixflo. Gone are the days when any business could dictate when it was open, and in the digital world customers now expect to be able to do whatever they need to do whenever it is convenient for them.

GONE are the days when the average business could switch off in the evenings. Instead, with the advent of mobile technology, almost all of us need to be open to contact from potential and existing clients at any hour - especially in the property game.

After all, for the average property manager, the workload really begins to build as soon as they – and their tenants – get home. Because be it an evening, morning or even a weekend – it’s then, when tenants are at home in the property that they notice problems around it, and then that they want to be able to report the problem. Even if it is a bank holiday.

Studies show that stress levels among property managers are on the rise across the globe as tenants grow ever more demanding. 88% of tenants in the private market now have access to fixed internet at home and almost all of them have smartphones. Being used to eating, shopping, connecting with friends and streaming movies at all hours through the web, they expect that same immediate access to their property manager as well. And most agencies simply don’t have the manpower to be available in person around the clock.

Fortunately, Fixflo, an online tenant repair reporting system, which allows tenants to report issues to their managing agent instantly and can even provide guidance to manage some of the issues directly, is forging a middle way for overloaded agents.

By operating online Fixflo acts as a filter, protecting your home life and time away from work at the same time as it protects your clients’ homes. By offering time stamped records, it also reassures tenants that problems are being read and responded to promptly.

The “click what you see” portal also alerts tenants as to which issues are their responsibility, cutting out any unnecessary contact. By ensuring that property managers are contacted on a need-to-know basis, rather than for issues that actually fall into the tenants’ domain, Fixflo eases the relationship between those living in the property and those managing it.

In this time-starved age, landlords opt for property management precisely to avoid the encroachment on their evenings that managing their property entails, so on this issue particularly professional property management services really do have to deliver.

Fixflo allows them to do so with minimum manpower and maximum results. That’s something to help property managers sleep easily at night. Without any SOS phone calls about broken lightbulbs to disturb them…

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