The Best Customer Experience Blog | Yomdel


Written by Peter Brand | 25/09/20 08:15

Web browsing is almost a default human behaviour now. People do it without even thinking, especially with a mobile in hand. So how do you capture their attention, and help them see an opportunity on your website that they might not have anticipated?

After about 13 years working as an operations specialist in the insurance sector, I made the move and started a new career with Yomdel. A surprisingly great fit. Insurance is such a highly regulated market. the operational running of an insurance company is all about strategy planning and quality control and to my delight, that is exactly what Yomdel prides themselves in. Working hands-on with Live Chat has really opened my eyes to the power of the service.

Take for example, a newspaper; a 2 dimensional document of articles detailing subjects you may find interesting, now as you turn to the back of the paper, you come across a section advertising jobs, you see one you think you would be good at, as you’re pushed for time, you decide to come back to it later and as life progresses you forget… lost opportunity.

Now imagine the same process, but as you get to the job advert, a chat box pops up, saying “Hi, you seem interested in this position, could I perhaps take your details and arrange a call?”, as this requires little effort, you give across your phone number and within a few weeks you have a new job… Well that is the power of web Live Chat.

Live Chat takes a two-dimensional website and turns it into a three-dimensional interactive online experience for a casual web browsing customer. It helps secure those leads that would probably pass you by, especially for businesses that only operate 9-5.

Many small to medium sized businesses, do not have the operating capital to provide a 24 hour a day, contact centre. Sadly, this means, for much of the time, many customers visiting a website do not have a route to chat with a human. This forces many out of office hours, web visitors into the casual browsing category, making Live Chat even more valuable.

The initial customer interaction with a business brand is so important and if the first experience for a customer is the inability to chat with a human, your business is not off to a great start. Taking part in an online chat with your business brand will make your business stand out in your customers memory instead of your brand getting drowned out by all the other sites your potential customer is casually browsing.

From my own experience, I prefer using a Live Chat option over an actual phone call. I can have all the relevant information in front of me whilst I am chatting, and I can chat at my own pace rather than being hurried by an impatient call centre agent. It is also easy to obtain a transcript of a chat and we have all experienced a time when we wished we could easily obtain the transcript of a past phone call.

So, yes, in conclusion, Live Chat is a great way to secure those browsing customers. The average person's life is so busy. We have all put a task in the “Tomorrow” pile and forgotten about it. We have probably all sat on the fence on whether to buy a product or book an appointment. Live Chat gently gives those customers the nudge they need to be your next exciting business client

If you would like to find out more about the power of Live Chat on your website, just get in touch with us at